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Hartog Compact Lucerne stimulates natural pecking behaviour and provides the hen with ample fibre-rich feed that prevents feathers from being absorbed as a fibre substitute. For best results, the Lucerne is fed from the first phase in rearing. The hens are less focused on each other, are less bored and a situation is created where they can forage naturally. As a result, feeding Hartog Compact Lucerne can help prevent feather pecking. The increased activity in the intestines creates thicker manure. The result is a drier barn bed and lower infection pressure in the barn. All our organic roughage is harvested, processed and delivered according to the conditions set by Skal. Compact Lucerne BIO and Compact Lucerne are of high quality and are very popular roughage in modern poultry farming.
Download our Skal certificate here
100% Alfalfa (organic)
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Grasdrogerij Hartog B.V.
Mijnsherenweg 7
1658 CA Lambertschaag
0229 – 58 12 32