We all spoil our horses from time to time with a sweet treat. An apple or a carrot is the most obvious snack. These snacks are also the healthiest, much healthier than a sugar cube, for example. Fruits and vegetables should always serve as a snack, never as a supplementary feed. A horse, if fed enough and well, can get its own nutrients to stay healthy. Horses get these nutrients from roughage and concentrates.


As a treat for horses and a tasty supplement, carrots fit into any ration. However, when feeding carrots, the following must be taken into consideration:


Apples are very popular with many horses, especially the sweet apple. When feeding apples, however, there are a few things to pay attention to:



Bread is also a treat for horses. When feeding bread, note the following:


There are many types of horse candy and in many different flavors. Most horse candy contains healthy vitamins and minerals. Give horse candy as a treat or as a reward. Just don’t give horse candy too often; some horses become impatient with it and may become vicious.


  • As a healthy lunch or treat, give your horse Hartog Lucerne mix with carrots mixed in. To this you can also add Hartog Care Promise, this slobber is a healthy reward for your horse.
  • During the winter, you can spoil your horse with a bucket of Compact Gras. By combining it with the XL feeding box, you allow your horse to eat for longer. Compact Gras is a very healthy treat that replaces the grass that your horse does not get in winter.