Resolving Thin Manure: Causes and Solutions

One of the most common reasons for thin manure is a disturbed intestinal flora. Does the horse have a long period (longer than two months) of thin manure? Has a manure sample revealed that the horse is not infected with worms though?   How exactly do horse intestines work?  A large, diverse population of microorganisms live […]

10 Tips to recognize Jacobaea vulgaris 

Foto van een Jakobskruiskruid plant

To prevent Jacobaea vulgaris in the feed of cattle and horses, it is important to recognize the plant and distinguish it from other yellow flowering plants.  RIKILT, part of Wageningen UR, has developed a program that identifies yellow flowering plants by giving answers to a number of questions. The program also allows plants to be […]

Fighting Jacobaea Vulgaris: Best Practices for Horse Owners

Foto van een Jakobskruiskruid plant

Once Jacobaea vulgaris has settled in a horse meadow, it is often difficult to fight the plant. Jacobaea vulgaris grows fast and has few natural enemies.  To prevent poisoning of your horse, it is important to fight Jacobaea vulgaris : directly when the plant is present. Instant combat also prevents the seeds from spreading. It […]

What do alpacas eat?

Alpacas can be considered as frugal eaters. They can be fed relatively lean diets and still obtain sufficient nutrients from their food. But what do alpacas actually eat?  Natural needs The digestive system of alpacas is adapted to digesting fiber-rich roughage. This includes various types of grasses and herbs. Therefore, it is crucial to primarily […]

Optimising diet for old horses

When you older horse is thinner or losing weight, there can be a lot of stress for the owner. You want your horse to get back to a normal condition as soon as possible. But which are the responsible ways to make old horses gain weight through diet?   Do you feed a thin horse concentrated […]

How to transition horse feed from stable to meadow

When horses can eat unlimited grass in the spring, they are at risk for diseases such as colic or laminitis. Horses are also more likely to gain a lot of weight in a quick period of time. Therefore, grazing slowly is very important to avoid various problems. How can you help your horse transition from […]

Impact of Jacobaea vulgaris on livestock

Foto van een Jakobskruiskruid plant

Jacobaea vulgaris is on a rapid march in the Netherlands. Jacobaea vulgaris is a threat to livestock. Farmers have been getting more and more poisoned with poultry in particular horses and cattle in recent years. Regular eating of Jacobaea vulgaris can damage the liver so that it can not function properly. This results in the […]