Lucerne: A Fiber-Rich Feed for Laying Hens

Poultry farming needs a high fiber content. The concentrates of feed for laying hens consists mainly of protein and energetic nutrients. Due to various factors such as stress, disease pressure and high production, there may be a need for raw fiber and fiber in the ration for laying hens.   The fibers of lucerne stimulate […]

Importance of Lucerne in Broiler Farming

Lucerne as roughage is pretty standard in broiler poultry farming. The pork sector knows the way to find Hartog lucerne to offer distraction and structure. Compact Lucerne and Compact Luzerne Organic bales of Hartog give the chickens distractions and help prevent feather picking. The straps around the Lucerne Compact slow down the intake, making the […]

Optimal grains & cereals for horses

Cereals contain a lot of starch. These can be converted by the horse into energy from the feed. The starch digestibility is different in grain feed. Some grains must be processed first before they are well digested by horses. Cereals are eaten with pleasure, they are nutritious but unilateral. A ration of only cereals or […]

Boosting Rabbit Health with Fiber-Rich Lucerne

The fiber-rich lucerne has a positive effect on the digestive system of a rabbit. Rabbits suffering from bowel problems such as diarrhoea or cramps benefit from a ration of roughage such as Compact Gras and Hay with Lucerne.  Lucerne is rich in naturally-formed vitamins, minerals and trace elements. With lucerne in the ration, the quality […]

Toxic trees and shrubs for horses

In autumn, most trees take on beautiful colors which can make for beautiful pictures. By winter, deciduous trees and shrubs lose their leaves and/or seeds. Also, when an autumn storm passes by, large amounts of leaves can already be shed. If horses are in a pasture or paddock surrounded by trees and shrubs, it is […]

The Power of Linseed for Horses 

Linseed is a small thick dark brown seed from the flax plant. Horses are fed loose or processed flaxseed in slobber, as well as through concentrate. In concentrate, both flaxseed and flaxseed flakes can be processed. Flaxseed flakes remain after the fat or oil has been removed from the seeds. Linseed flakes have the same […]

Difference between Lucerne Mix and Hartog Digest 

We receive many questions about the differences between our regular Lucerne Mix and our new product, Hartog Digest. The most important difference between the two is that Hartog Digest, with the addition of POWERSTART®, protects and supports the gastrointestinal tract and is free from grains and molasses. The regular Lucerne Mix can be used as […]

Optimal Feeding for Foals: Key Phases and Nutrition Needs

Proper feed and nutrition is one of the most important components for the development of foals in their first year. During this period, the foal undergoes enormous physical development and the foundation for healthy intestinal flora. The first 24 hours after birth: During the first 24 hours after birth, a foal receives its first milk […]

Why the Muscles of Your Horse Aren’t Developing

Does your horse remain stiff and lacking development of muscles? Are you training hard but not seeing an improvement in the back muscles under the saddle? This often relates to the diet. How much protein does your forage contain? And what type of concentrate feed do you supplement the diet with? Upon evaluating the forage and […]

Why Fenugreek is Valuable to Horse Diets

The benefits of fenugreek were already described in ancient Egypt around 1500 BC (Betty, 2008). Fenugreek is one of the oldest medicinal plants, and its seeds, leaves, or even the whole plant are used for medicinal powders and extracts, even for a horse. Fenugreek contains many antioxidants (flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins) that provide health benefits […]