Beets for horses 

Sugar beets  Horses find sugar beets very tasty. The sugar beet is not suitable for horses if they come directly from the land. Sugar beet consists of 20% of sugar, which is too much for horses. Too much sugar can lead to diabetes. The horses may become resistant to insulin, which is the hormone that […]

Curing a Horse’s Stall Allergy

Your horse may develop bronchitis and asthma due to stall allergy. However, many treatments are possible in which the elimination of stimulants should be in the first place. But the most important thing is of course: right, the stable climate!  Medicine for treating a stall allergy Some medicines that help with allergy in horses are: […]

Tasty treat for horses

We all spoil our horses from time to time with a sweet treat. An apple or a carrot is the most obvious snack. These snacks are also the healthiest, much healthier than a sugar cube, for example. Fruits and vegetables should always serve as a snack, never as a supplementary feed. A horse, if fed […]

The many benefits of grape seed extract for horses

Grape seeds are often seen as the bitter, unpleasant part of the fruit. However, grape seed extracts contain significant amounts of beneficial nutrients for horses.  Antioxidant effects First and foremost, grape seeds are rich in components that have powerful antioxidant effects. This can protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are […]

The Anatomy of a Horse

Understanding the anatomy of a horse is vital to promote its health and immune system. We’ve broken it down: Mouth  A good dental structure is the beginning of a good digestion. In the mouth, the food is made into smaller pieces and the saliva production is stimulated by chewing.  Saliva ensures that the food easily […]

Horse stiffness and muscle soreness after exercise  

A horse cannot let you know that it has muscle soreness after intense training or a competition. You only notice this when the horse is stiff during subsequent training or when it runs less energetically in the field. The muscles enable the skeleton to move. During riding, the back muscles support the rider, and the […]

Roughage in the rearing period 

Laying hens that have access to Hartog Compact Lucerne during the rearing period benefit especially during the laying period. During the laying period, the hens often have a better plumage and foraging behavior has a positive effect on litter quality. An investment in roughage during rearing is well worthwhile. If the rearing hens are not […]

Caring for a mare and foal with nutrition

Nutrition is a very important topic during the pregnancy of a mare, lactation period and the startup phase of the foal. Too little attention or a wrong ration can have consequences. Hartog finds a good ration for the mares and foals important. Below we provide additional information and tips on nutrition during the rearing and […]

Fertilizing grassland: Tips & Tricks

Grass can only grow well if sufficient nutrients are available for uptake by the plant roots. Fertilizing the grassland is necessary to increase the number of nutrients in the grass. Care must be taken to ensure that the nutrients are available to the plant in the correct proportions. The purpose of grassland fertilization is: To […]

Balancing nutrition for Recreational Horses

Proper nutrition for recreational horses is very important. Nutrition affects the health, condition and performance of your horse. When horse nutrition is discussed, most of the time it is about the right kibble, muesli or grain mixture and the composition of concentrates or the optimal ratio between several of these products. While the influence of […]