Transition to pasture grass: 5 tips for a flawless transition

paard eet gras van de weide

Although the sopping winter is causing delays in some places, it is nevertheless almost time for the transition to pasture grass again. The grass is starting to grow. This can affect digestion even for horses that are allowed outside year-round. Our nutritionist Maartje Reitsma has one magic word for a trouble-free transition to pasture: gradually. […]

Electrolytes for horses: when do you supplement?

horse drinking elektrolytes water

Electrolytes are essential minerals that play a critical role in the overall health and performance of horses. Key electrolytes, such as potassium, sodium, and chloride, are important for maintaining fluid balance and muscle functions. This article delves into the importance of these electrolytes by explaining how they work within a horse’s body to support vital […]

Body Condition Score: how do you calculate this for your horse?

body condition score

Determining the condition of your horse can be critical to its overall health. A good way to determine if your horse is at a healthy weight is through the Body Condition Score (BCS). While performing a BCS, you assess various body points of a horse by itself and touch with a score. This gives you […]

Stomach Ulcers in Horses

Research indicates that in the world of sport horses, 40 to 90% of the population suffers from stomach ulcers. But why are stomach ulcers so common in sport horses? Let’s delve deeper into this prevalent issue and explore how we can understand and potentially prevent it. What are stomach ulcers? To better understand why stomach […]

The benefits of biotin for horses

Vacht van een paard

Biotin is a B vitamin and plays a crucial role in the health of horses’ coat and hooves. Biotin for horses has several functions within the horse’s body. As a coenzyme, it contributes to various metabolic processes within the horse’s body. For example, it supports the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Dosage of biotin […]

The importance of vitamin E for your horse

You’ve probably heard of it as a horse owner: vitamin E. This powerful antioxidant can support horses when they need to recover, are stressed, or are being trained. Vitamin E helps your horse protecting the (muscle) cells and tissues against free radicals and can support the immune system of horses. But how does it actually […]

Why choose a balancer for your horse?

A balancer is an excellent choice to ensure that your horse gets all the essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements. These nutrients are important for your horse’s overall health and vitality. A balancer is highly concentrated in these essential nutrients without adding an excessive amount of energy to your horse’s ration. Because of these properties, […]

Digestion Issues: Reduced intestinal function in an older horse

Research has shown that with age, a horse’s digestion and absorption of nutrients diminishes while the need for vitamins, minerals and proteins increase. The reduced capacity of the intestines is caused by a reduced intestinal function. It is therefore not surprising that old horses, compared to other horses, are more sensitive to colic and constipation. […]

Horse pain from joint ‘Wear and Tear’

Some injuries are fatal for a horse due to non-recovery or severe joint pain. Fortunately, many injuries allow full recovery. However, many horses fall between these extremes—they are too worn out, too old, or too injured to work, yet too important to say goodbye. These horses often suffer from chronic conditions like hoof pulley inflammation, […]

The teeth of old horse

Older horses have ailments, unfortunately this also applies to the teeth. Old horses with bad teeth that make clogs or stink out of their mouth are no exception. The teeth of horses grow throughout their lives. Because horses are now getting older than in nature, it is possible that a horse will live for years […]