Harvesting grass and lucerne 

Before mowing, weed or hatched, Hartog assesses the quality of the harvest crop (grass or lucerne). 

The following requirements are laid down for the crop: 

  • It should be of good quality. It must look fresh and green 
  • There are no poisonous herbs, such as Jacobaea vulgaris and St. John’s wort, in the crop 

During mowing, weeding and hatching, we ensure that no contaminants are taken, for example, crops that have been landed for long periods may not be dried. 

Chopping of grass and lucerne 

The crop is cut by a chopper. By chopping, the grass or the lucerne is cut into smaller pieces.

All the chopped grass or lucerne then has approximately the same length, which allows it to be evenly dried. The chopped product is sprayed in the Hartog container box and transhipped onto a truck using a hook-arm system. Then it is transported to the grass dryer. On arrival the containers are weighed separately. At the factory, the chopped grass or luzerne is placed outside. Each pile gets its own number so that eventually all parties are traceable at any time from the beginning of the producer to the end at the consumer. 

After harvest, the drying process begins with the grass and lucerne. 

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