Marten Luiten

Marten Luiten is a super successful young Dutch dressage rider. Despite his young age, he already attained several National Dutch Championship and European Championship titles.

About Marten Luiten

Marten was born on the 25th of October, 2001. He currently lives in Winschoten, Netherlands at his family’s stable together with his parents, his brother and two dogs. Outside of dressage, Marten has accomplished a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Groningen. However, he did not stop his studies on that. At the moment, Marten is working on a master’s degree in Business Administration specialising in Change Management. 

Dressage Career

Marten Luiten has been passionate about horse riding from a young age. He first started riding horses at the age of seven. By the time he turned sixteen, he developed a true passion for the sport. Since then, he has dreamt about joining the Dutch National Team and participating in major dressage competitions. 

At a young age, he already made some of his dreams come true. Marten became the National Dutch Champion several times while he was still riding ponies. Once he switched to horses, he continued to succeed at the Junior and Young Riders’ levels. To the point where Marten has reached the top of the FEI World Ranking List together with his horse Fynona. 

On top of that, Marten has been voted the Talent of the Year by KNHS, the Dutch Equestrian Federation, for three years in a row. This was a record-breaking moment as KNHS has never named the same person three times in a row before. In other words, Marten Luiten is a true young dressage star in the Netherlands. 

Help from the Best

Despite his talent, Marten has not been alone in his journey to the top. Besides his team at home, he frequently turns for help from true icons in the dressage world. Such Olympic and World Dressage Champions as Anky van Grunsven and Isabell Werth regularly train Marten Luiten.

Marten Luiten about Hartog

Hartog has made a big contribution to my horses’ success with their feed! I really like the fact that you can always discuss the fine-tuning of the feed with Hartog and that you can find different types of feed at Hartog, so there is something for every horse! That is why I am very proud to be part of the Hartog Family 💚

Marten’s Choice of Feed

When it comes to Marten’s own choice of Hartog products, he prefers to feed his horses with Hartog Comfort and Hartog Lucerne Pellets. Hartog Comfort is a unique fiber-rich forage mix containing a balancer. This makes it an all-in-one product that eliminates the need for concentrates and other balancers. At the same time, Hartog Lucerne Pellets is a high fiber and protein-rich concentrated feed making it an excellent addition to your horse’s diet. 

Check out Marten Luiten:

Marten Luite

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Marten Luiten

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