We are harvesting again at Hartog!

Monday, 13th May 2024

It’s that time of year we’ve long looked forward to – harvest season has started again at Hartog! As a leading producer of various types of roughages for horses, chickens and other animals, we are excited to start again!

At Hartog, harvest season is much more than just bringing in crops. It is a careful process that begins with caring for our crops in the fields. From sowing to growing, we pay close attention to every detail to ensure our crops grow well in the rich North Holland soil. We use several plots from local farmers around the Hartog Grass Drying Plant to ensure quality.

After months of careful monitoring, the time begins when our crops are ready to be harvested. Our experienced team then gets to work, harvesting at the optimal time. We start with harvesting the grass and later in the season we also start with the lucerne.

But the process doesn’t stop there. Once the crops are harvested, they are processed in our grass drying facility. Here they are dried, ground, mixed and packaged into the products you know from us. Such as Hartog Digest, Hartog Senior or Hartog Essential. Each step in this process is monitored in order to guarantee quality.

Each batch gets its own number, so that eventually all batches can be traced every moment. From the beginning on the land to the end at the consumer.

Want to see more of our harvesting process? Then stay tuned for the latest updates by following our website and social media channels:

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